The success of the adult cricket at Esher CC is built on the foundation of its youth.

Several years ago, the club committed to investing in the development of Junior and Youth  cricket and provide a path for young cricketers to play Adult cricket as they went through the age groups. The ambition was that in time all of the  adult sides would be well represented by ‘home grown’ players that are committed to the club . 

In 2024, 65 boys played adult cricket, 15 boys played in our Premiership 1st XI & 2nd XI teams and 70 boys were involved in Surrey CCC Performance programs. 

In 2024, our U15s played at Lords in the National final of the ECB Cup and in 2021, our U13 ‘s were National ECB Champions!

We are proud of what we have achieved and continue to invest:

Junior and Youth cricket is at the heart of Esher Cricket Club with over 650 Young Cricketers (YC’s) learning and playing the game each year. Boys and Girls from U5 through to U19 are all welcome.

We have dedicated age group managers and weekly structured coaching sessions led by professional coaches

The club ensures that every player from U8 upwards, is given the opportunity to play matches during the season at our home grounds of New Road and Imber Court.  Matches are organised, so they do not clash with the age group coaching.

We operate  Easter, Summer and Winter Coaching Courses.

Many of the young cricketers in each age group also have the opportunity to get involved with the Surrey County Cricket Club performance squads.  There were 70 boys involved in the Surrey Performance programs in 2024. 

The quality of the coaching, facilities and match play opportunities provided at Esher Cricket Club has led to young cricketers developing their skills and confidence to play the best cricket they can and most importantly enjoy playing it.  

Professional coaching team, unrivalled match programme,  the best grass wickets available

Our professional coaching team includes three former 1st Class cricketers with international playing and coaching experience who are supported by an army of ECB qualified coaches, and other volunteers all of whom are trained and vetted to work in cricket with young people. We are proud to hold ECB Clubmark status which recognises Esher Cricket Club’s Youth Cricket programme.

From U8 upwards the YC’s play in competitive leagues across the county where we have an unrivalled match programme using a number of the best local wickets at New Road and Imber Court to hone match skills.  Because of the investment in coaching and facilities,  Esher CC has an excellent record of achievement in Surrey league and cup programmes.

All Esher CC Cricket contact details are detailed below:

Key Contacts
Neil McCallum Club Chairman
Rachel Narinesingh Welfare and Safeguarding Officer 07872 319065
Duncan Pauline Director of Coaching 07905 915560
Glenn Harrison Head of Senior Youth Cricket 07954 990893
Mark Hopkinson Director of Boys Cricket 07900 805755
Sid Simmons & Matt Price Director of Girls Cricket
Age Group Management Teams 2025 Season
Senior Academy (U16-U19) Glenn Harrison 07954 990893
U15 Ali Rawlinson 07966 648305
U14 John Bache 07971 475246
U13 Nick Frendo 07739877985
Kat Frendo 07590043774
U12 Mark Hopkinson 07900 805755
U11 Mark Hopkinson 07900 805755
U10 Viraj Pillai 07873119032
Sheharyar Parhaar 07557733046
U9 Michielle Smith 07968826293
Russell Smith 07801072464
U8 Mark Hopkinson 07900 805755
U7 – U5s Duncan Pauline 07905 915560